Monday 31 January 2011

Saturday 29 Jan '11 -First Team Meeting and Training Session - Richmond Park

On a very cold but bright January morning Team Swift and Bold finally got to meet face to face, thrash out a couple of laps of the delightful Richmond Park and discuss the RAAM Race Rules (all 67 pages!!) over a coffee. Plenty of actions ands and ideas were generated for the racers and support crew to work on. Martin did a sterling job with the banner, Osha did her 'Mario Testino' bit shooting snaps, Mr and Mrs B and Brian filled us with coffee and superb homemade fudge (we'll need plenty of this in the US!) and Catriona (David's girlfriend) spent the morning trying to make sense of the race rules in the cafe!!

Team Swift and Bold Photo Shoot, Richmond Park
James Cousen, David Wright, Louis Bowman, Martin Williamson